Watermelon Tourmaline 6mm Bead Bracelet

Watermelon Tourmaline 6mm Bead Bracelet

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Reflecting the most beautiful pink and green shades of the Heart chakra is Watermelon Tourmaline.  Watermelon Tourmaline is an awakener for the heart chakra, readying the heart to be open to receiving and sending forward the energy of unconditional love.  It is said to attract loving relationships into your life. 

Watermelon Tourmaline works to cleanse and heal the heart of long held negative emotions that hold one back from being able to find peace and harmony within. It helps us to understand the challenges of life that are designed to make us stronger and to be able to see and understand our life from a higher level of consciousness.  *

 This bracelet is an approximately 7.5" with 6mm Watermelon Tourmaline beads.